We imagine a world where suicide is a

thing of the past.

Reasons to Cherish Every Moment

From life's simplest joys, like spotting a unicorn, to deeper connections like family and aspirations – everyone has reasons that anchor them. Discover real, touching and heartwarming motivations from real individuals in our community:

If you or someone you know is actively struggling with suicidal thoughts, call 911 now, or
to speak with a suicide intervention specialist, call the National Hotline at 988 .

The Suicide Prevention Society is a d.b.a. of Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.

©Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.
All rights reserved

Teen Suicide Prevention Society, Inc.
501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation

FEIN #85-0630760
935 N Beneva Rd Ste 609-1064

Sarasota, FL 34232 United States
